
Adatoccpptranslator is a converter software which allows C/C++ source files to be generated from Ada83 and Ada95 source files. To run correctly, input files must be compilable and executable. They only can contain a package specification or a package body or a separate unit.

All Ada body packages must have a corresponding specification package. Nevertheless a specification package without package body is authorized.

The binay file needs one input parameter which is a file name. This name must include the relative path to be able to access the file from the current path.
This file is a text file which contains the list of Ada files to be translated. File names must include the relative path of the file.

Files generated by Adatoccpptranslator are placed in the ouput directory included in the current directory. An error will occur if this directory doesn't exist.

example :
Current directory : .
Directory containing executable file: bin
Directory containing files to translate: files
Directory containing input file: input
Name of input file : list.txt
"bin" "files" and "input" are in current directory.

Content of file list.txt:

Command to launch translation : bin/translator input/list.txt